nnew silhouette made with business clothing
new silhouette made with business clothing
new silhouette made with business clothing
new silhouette made with business clothing
new silhouette made with business clothing
new silhouette made with business clothing
new silhouette made with business clothing
new silhouette made with business clothing
new silhouette made with business clothing
new silhouette made with nightwear
new silhouette made with nightwear
new silhouette made with nightwear
new silhouette made with nightwear
new silhouette made with nightwear
new silhouette made with nightwear
new silhouette made with nightwear
new silhouette made with nightwear
new silhouette made with nightwear
new silhouette made with sportswear
new silhouette made with sportswear
new silhouette made with sportswear
new silhouette made with sportswear
new silhouette made with sportswear
new silhouette made with sportswear


    By only removing existing seams of old business, night and sportswear pieces,
    new silhouettes are created, giving a new life to discarded clothing.

    Design Academy Eindhoven – Man and Identity – 2014